Category: Rent vs. Buy

3 Ways Home Equity Can Have a Major Impact on Your Life

There have been a lot of headlines reporting on how homeowner equity (the difference between the current market value of...

6 Foundational Benefits of Homeownership Today

Over the past year, our homes have become an integral part of our lives more than ever. They’re much more...

Why Owning a Home Is a Powerful Financial Decision

In today’s housing market, there are clear financial benefits to owning a home: increasing equity, the chance to build your...

Owning a Home Is Still More Affordable Than Renting One

If spending more time at home over the past year is making you really think hard about buying a home...

How to Make the Dream of Homeownership a Reality This Year

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired a powerful movement with his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Through his...

The Importance of Home Equity in Building Wealth

Homeownership has always been the first rung on the ladder leading to household wealth. As Freddie Mac recently posted: “Homeownership...

Turning a House into a Happy Home

We talk a lot about why it makes financial sense to buy a home, but more often than not, we’re drawn to...

The Difference a Year Makes for Homeownership

Over the past year, mortgage rates have fallen more than a full percentage point, hitting a new historic low 15...

Homeownership Is a Key to Building Wealth

For years, real estate has been considered the best investment you can make. A major reason for this is due...

Rent vs. Buy: How to Decide What’s Best for You

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median rent continues to rise. With today’s low mortgage rates, there’s great opportunity for...