Category: Rent vs. Buy

Renters Missed Out on $51,500 This Past Year

Rents have increased significantly this year. The latest National Rent Report from shows rents are rising at a rate...

Experts Agree: Homeownership Provides a Path to Long-Term Wealth

A recent survey from found there are multiple reasons why Americans would choose to purchase a home instead of...

111,285 Reasons You Should Buy a Home This Year

The financial benefits of buying a home versus renting one are always up for debate. However, one element of the...

Reasons Renters Buy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights When deciding whether you should rent or buy, make sure you’re considering these factors. Buying a home means...

Have You Ever Seen a Housing Market Like This? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some Highlights Whether you’re buying or selling – today’s housing market has plenty of good news to go around. Buyers...

What You Can Do Right Now To Prepare for Homeownership

As rent prices continue to soar, many renters want to know what they can do to get ready to buy...

The Difference in Net Worth Between Homeowners and Renters Is Widening

Becoming financially secure is an important goal for many people today, but some don’t realize just how much homeownership can...

If Housing Affordability Is About the Money, Don’t Forget This.

There are many non-financial benefits of buying your own home. However, today’s headlines seem to be focusing primarily on the...
Story book on a table open face with a pop-up of two trees and a house

More Young People Are Buying Homes

There’s a common misconception that younger generations aren’t interested in homeownership. Many people point to the fact that millennials put...

With Rents on the Rise – Is Now the Time To Buy?

According to recent data from, median rental prices have reached their highest point ever recorded in many areas across...