Apr 10, 2013
For many Wake County home sellers, they believe that most of the work is done once they receive a signed purchase offer from the buyer.
However, it’s important to note that there are plenty of important steps to take between the time that the buyer makes a purchase offer and the time you walk out of the final closing.
From inspections to appraisals, there are a lot of steps to take in between.
Today, I’m going to focus on one of these such steps: preparing for the final closing.
Selling Your Wake County Property
Every home seller should run through a final checklist after they’ve removed all of their personal belongings from their home but before they attend the final closing.
By making sure all of these things have been done, sellers will ensure a smooth transition for both themselves and the buyer.
Here is what you should do before you step foot in the final closing:
- Safeguard such important documents as your purchase contract, addendums and executed seller disclosures. You never know when you’re going to need these documents again so make sure they’re organized and put away for safe keeping.
- Clean the House. It’s just common courtesy to leave you house in the way you would want to find it as a buyer. If there’s no time for you to clean it personally, consider hiring a professional cleaning service.
- Turn off all of the shut-off valves in your home. Nothing would be worse than the buyer walking into their new home for the first time and there being a flood because of a small unknown leak. So turn off all of the shut-off valves but make sure to leave a note so the seller knows why the water isn’t working.
- Show up for the final walk-through. You’ll want to be on hand to answer any questions the buy has. In addition, this is a great opportunity to share with the buyer any tips about living in the home that you think will be of use – such as how to open the temperamental doorknob in the guest bedroom.
- Cancel all of your insurance policies. However, make sure you do this only after you know the deed has been recorded and the title transfer has officially occurred. Depending on when you sell your house, you may receive a prepaid premium refund on your homeowner’s insurance.
- Make sure to cancel your subscriptions and request a change of address from the postal office. This includes utilities, cable, newspaper and any other subscriptions you may have.
- Leave behind your house keys, remotes, mailbox keys, etc. While the buyer is more than likely going to have the locks changed, it’s helpful to provide them all of the keys you’re aware of in one place for them.
- Give your cabinets, drawers and storage spaces one last look over. Make sure you’re not leaving behind any of your personal belongings. Take the time to look everywhere – or else you may end up regret leaving something behind.
- Close the home’s curtains and blinds and lock the door. Make sure the home is secure for when the new home buyer arrives for the first time.
Your Dedicated Wake County REALTOR®
If you just listed your property on the Wake County housing market, the final closing may seem like light years away.
But it doesn’t have to be when you work with an experienced REALTOR® like me, Rachel Kendall.
Contact me today to learn how I can work effectively for you to ensure that you sell your property in a short amount of time and for the best price possible.
Until next time,