Dec 12, 2017
The magical moments of the holidays are best found when giving, especially from children to children. This was the case one morning last week when Aden, Ian, and Jalynn came into our office with their parents, Alexis and Isreal Shoemaker to help contribute to our first annual toy drive.
The Shoemakers have firsthand understanding of the love and support of the Ronald McDonald House family. Aden, Ian, and Jalynn saved their money and were able to contribute with multiple donations to bring comfort to more children.
We give the Shoemakers a huge heartfelt thank you for their kindness!
We’ll continue to collect new, unwrapped toys Mondays- Fridays 9-5 for our Rachel Kendall Team’s first annual toy drive benefiting the Ronald McDonald House Chapel Hill until we deliver on December 22nd.
Giving Back to the Raleigh-Triangle
We’re excited to have the opportunity to give back to our local community. For information about how you can help, visit our philanthropy page and stay tuned for upcoming Rachel Kendall Team charitable events throughout the year.
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